In order to run an ACW Project you must be a member, have your 6 volunteer hours clocked and attend a Project Management Training – offered once a year. Eighteen people met on October 12 for an all day session which included policy discussions, group activities, film and selected readings and sharing of the Head and Hearts and Nuts and Bolts of Project Management. Thanks to special speakers Tom Fulton, Layl McDill, Barbara Bridges, Frances Bates, Wini Froelich, Kelly Frankenberg, Jeff Stitt, Laura Mann-Hill and Herman Milligan. Also attending: Sam St. John, Liisa Le, Katie Palmer, Paul Kellett, Lincoln Matt, Kira Bass, Becca David, Barbara Porwit and Anna Karena
Memorable Outcomes:
Tom Fulton reads Poem “Only The imagination is true” William Carlos Williams
Laura Mann-Hill (DEI Coordinator) “ Be comfortable in the discomfort of holding the space for difficult conversations
On Micro Management: Complicated. Lots of grey area. Beware of the person who thinks, because they are smart – they are right.
Take immediate action “voids fill with negatives”
PMT Participant Survey Outcomes -Emerging Trends
Favorite modules: Project Proposals, Conflict Resolution Protocols, Solving Scenario Group Work, and Tom’s poetry. Other Favorites were: Possible gel painting class, PMT Handbook, Time Management, Cabinet Intro, Elevator Speech Practice, Identity Exercise, Email protocols and Tactics, Strategies and Brands.