Appointments   Nov 2024 – June 2025

Executive/Artistic Director  Barbara Bridges
-Manage Financials. Monthly Statements, Quarterly Reports, Taxes etc.
-Donor Development: Support research and development/data driven fundraising campaigns
-Partner/Project . Pursue meaningful relationships and partnerships
-Manage Project Managers. Review Project Proposals
-Manage Grant Writing
-Manage Interns
-Oversee Newsletter
-Design and Lead Project Management Training
-Support and nurture new members
-Attend  as many ACW events as possible.
-Maintain strong relationships with each board member

-Organize and Attend all BOD and Task Force meetings and work closely with the board
-Lead conversation around new ideas or initiatives

-Seek solutions to problems and engage in conflict resolution
-Help create and manage Calls For Art
-Meet frequently with the assistant director
-Focus on ACW Sustainability strategies.
-Write monthly article for Newsletter

Assistant Director/Operations 
Kelly Frankenberg
-Serve as Project Point Person for  2 events/projects  per year
-Run intern search. Review Intern Apps
-Edit Newsletter Final Copy
-Load all pictures into Creating Community
-Write 2 grants per year
-Attend all BOD and Task Force Meetings
-Attend  many ACW events
-Attend pitch meetings with Director
-Write monthly article for Newsletter
-Manage winter programming
-Assist director with weekly needs
-Assist with training development and other leadership tasks
-Input Scholarships sent to Membership Coordinator
-Input volunteer hours to Membership Coordinator
-Assist website maintenance

PR Coordinator  Frances Bates
-Oversee the Facebook and Instagram coordinators to make sure our social media presence is consistent
-Assist with branding, promotions, and other design work
-Write and send out press releases
-Regularly update the calendar
-Help make sure NEMAA knows about our events – Post in their events and Workshop section.  Photos must be square.
-Contract newspapers or radio stations directly.  Run Small Newspaper Campaign
-Email people directly to invite them to events
-Check for updated events and overlaps and post cancelations and weather cancelations
– Update the Media Spreadsheet as needed.
– Keep a database of the artist’s local newspapers and send press releases written specifically about that artist.  (this might be a job for different person- it is a lot of work- could be a volunteer position because it’s not necessary for our survival but really adds to our press cred)
-Manage “How  Art Changed MY World -15 second testimonies
– Update current Programming in 699 on the Lowry Ave Page
New strategies. List

Fox Den Gallery Coordinator  at Solar and at 699 Lowry  Frances Bates
-Come up with monthly art shows/exhibitions
-Design promo for the gallery and it’s events
-Curate and hang artwork
-Maintain cleanliness of space
-Patch and paint walls as needed
-Work together with the Solar Arts Building
-Manage everything in the gallery for Art-A-Whirl
-Run the Fox Den project page

DEI Coordinator 
Laura Mann-Hill
-Serve as advisor for all  DEI issues and conflicts and write a monthly DEI article for the Newsletter

Instagram Coordinators Candy Kuehn and Apprentice
Post on Instagram our events from the calendar and our members events, announcements and feature artists and other things related to ACW.
-Find other relevant accounts to follow
-Check in with Facebook coordinator to make sure there is consistency
-Work on using Instagram to its full potential
-Create one major campaign a month
-Engage influencers
-Coordinate with other social media

Facebook Coordinators  Rose Cooper and Apprentice
-Post on twice a week on Facebook – our events from the calendar and our members events, announcements and feature artists and other things related to ACW
-Create Facebook campaign -put some edge in there.
-Posting the art speaks newsletter article for people to comment on before the newsletter goes out
-And creating Facebook “events” and invites for our events.
-Encourage members to like our posts, using Facebook to it’s full potential
-Coordinate with other social media

You Tube Coordinators   ????
Create a Campaign for pushing out the current You Tube Content/Create or solicit videos for our channel


Volunteer Coordinator  Barbara
Organically assigned tasks by the Director

Scheduling Coordinator  Leo Fortune
-Manage Scheduling
-Coordinate with Calendar Coordinator

Membership Database  Liisa Le
Input new member data sent by Barbara
Input Scholarships sent by  Kelly
Input volunteer hours sent by Kelly or Barbara
Coordinate with Mail Chimp Coordinator to update our list on Members Database.

Newsletter Construction  Sam St. John
Collect and correctly format articles submitted for the ACW Newsletter. Include Re-occurring  Director’s message, Fox Den News, Art Speaks,  Interns, DEI Coordinator article Laura Man-Hill NOTE: hotlinks don’t seem to work for mail chimp.  Need the entire URL.
Articles should be under 150 words.
Use Word to construct Newsletter copy. Add photos as jpgs in the same folder.  Numbered and titled in sequence.
Generate and Coordinate 3-5 articles on selected topics of interest.
Work with Barbara to identify  a  Member Spotlight
Article on events at 699 Lowry each month
Coordinate with FB, Instagram and PR Coordinators.
Make sure all events are on the calendar.  Frances Bates:

Mail Chimp Coder  Laura Burlis
Receive the Newsletter Final Copy on or around the 26th of each month.
Send Barbara a Test by the last day of each month
Post the Newsletter by the 1st of each month.
Create the Content Call by the 15th of each month.  Add events happening the last of the month   for examples.

Scribe  $25 each event
Take bulleted notes for all BOD, Task Force and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings

Website Maintenance and Daily Edits 
Barbara Bridges   1 hour a day x 30  days =30 hours
Be willing and able to design/edit and manage content on the website.  Focus on supporting the “Project Page” concept.  Needs Daily edits.

Contracts, Licenses, Permits   Layl McDill
Create, secure signatures and file all Contracts, Licenses, Permits Cc Director

Trash To Treasures  Sadie Ward ?
Creative will provide: General project management and oversight for communicating with artists and taking kiosk to events. Building relationships for project where appropriate and bringing on new artists as they apply.

Storage Coordinator  Liisa Le
point of contact for gathering supplies, organizational structure, and direction for volunteer days.

Mississippi River Pearl – Transportation Coordinator  Frances Bates
 -Look into new places to host it  -Create plans with movers and host locations
-Arrive early to pack it up and get it ready for transit -Oversee transportation of the sculpture
-Direct movers of placement  -Unpack and setup at the new location  -Help keep the cabinet stocked

Social Media Personality  ??
Create a one time campaign to boost ACW awareness

Music Coordinator  Dave Dvorak