Oct 22, 2024 Task Force Minutes


Barbara Bridges











Barbara P






Are you interested in learning about writing grants and/or helping ACW apply for grants?

> Contact Barbara


Interns are going to apply for a grant with all their projects together

Treasures Gallery (CommonBond)

-Artworks must be ready to hang, this includes wire to hang and/or a frame

-Can only have 3 pieces up at one time

-Make sure the size is clear for every piece

-New policies have been approved


Let’s come up with something like a character to be ACW’s brand identity that way we can be promoted as an organization but anyone can run it.


New leadership plan has been approved


We can post our art salons to NEMAA and promote them to non-members


New contract for using the ACW office has been approved


The interns are making the porch a cool hang out spot


Office plant swap is for anyone to take or leave a plant


Club Critique

-Layl is looking to relaunch this project concept

-Come up with a new name

-Sam and Deb want to help

Barbara Bridges project (Approved)

-Current name: How to Grow Old with the Elderly

-ACW will be a supporter but Barbara is looking for outside funding

Passport project

-We want to do it again

-Bryce has shown interest in taking over
Anna agreed to help advise

-Jeff offered to help

On Location

-Deb is interested in stepping back

-The current plan is to take a break to figure out what will happen next as we want the program to continue

-Will keep the Facebook page going to encourage people to draw

Fox Den Gallery

-Solar Arts is open for holiday shows in both November and December

-Email Frances if you are interested in showing your art or helping with the gallery

Pearl sculpture party – join us to learn about the sculpture and maybe add items to it

ACW’s storage workshop at Flux is looking into shelving

Upcoming events:

October 30th 6:30 to 8:30pm – Dungeons and Dragons for the Curious at the ACW office

November 5th – Election Day

November 6th 4 to 6pm – Mississippi River Pearl party at the Solar Arts Building

November 7th to 10th – Art This Way at the Solar Arts Building

November 14th 6 to 8pm – Artist Salon Night (Intuitive Landscape Painting) at the ACW office

November 15th 8 to 10am – Morning Coffee at the ACW office

November 15th to 16th – Do the Dow at the Dow Arts Building

November 22nd 6:30pm – Task Force Zoom meeting

November 30th – Small Business Saturday

December 5th to 7th – Light Up the Night at the Solar Arts Building

December 7th 11am to 7pm – Holiday Event at the Flux Arts Building


Next meeting November 22nd at 6:30pm