
Coaching Project Status Meeting     September 3, 2021

Attending : McDill, Bridges, Ross

1.What worked so far.  What did not work.
Abby: Worked: Technical – what exists? Tuned in? Show review team software? Email?
Felt software worked as it was meant to
Layl: too small to see
Abby: Scoring was messy
Barbara: Scoring was not successful.
How will we modify?
Abby: KISS Simple PDF/Word File

2. What components really interest you with the Coaching Project deliverables below?

Boots on the Ground Coordinator 

Every six weeks overview meeting

Conflict Resolution
act as first point of contact for coaching project participants
Prepare a report for the Board with Barbara Bridges and attend the ACW Board meetings to report the progress of projects with Barbara Bridges.
Communicate and meet with Curriculum Coordinator  regularly

Communicate and meet with Communications Coordinator regularly

Communications Coordinator

write and scout coaching project funding opportunities

  • program, and program infrastructure development
  • develop and deliver team onboarding agenda
    Shared Language -contemporary language. Social Justice.
    How to work as a team
  • maintain communication and offer support to project participants via email and slack.
  • create and maintain coaching project Slack workspace
  • facilitate the distribution and submission of project reports
  • monitor team project and relational development on Slack
  • Prepare a report for the Board with Barbara Bridges and attend the ACW Board meetings to report the progress of projects with Barbara Bridges.
  • Assist with conflict resolution as needed.
    Communicate and meet with Curriculum Coordinator  regularly
  • Gather Data. On Boarding

    All participants:

    Bio paragraph
    Bio Picture
    Image for promotional purposes.  Art, science topic etc.  If scientists need an image created- we can do that.
    List of social media platforms

Radio/TV/Print local media  name, address, email, phone, website
PodCast/Blogs?  Each participant recommend 1 each.
Resume and skill sets one-pager from all participants. Both Coaches and Project Managers.


Curriculum Coordinator

*Create Planning and Reporting Curriculum Documents

*Review applications

*Review monthly reports

*Monthly Zoom meetings  with teams

*Disburse monthly stipends

*Track and reimburse $3,000 project expenses

*Design and deliver orientation modules on Cognitive Dissonance, Symbiotic

Team roles, non-profit liability concerns, ACW community engagement rules

*Report to the ACW  Board progress of projects.

*Assist with conflict resolution as needed.

*Communicate and meet with Coaching Project Director regularly