“The level of isolation experienced by generations varies, according to O.C Tanner research: IGen (45%) and Millennials (35%) feel considerably more isolated than Baby Boomers (24%) and Gen X (25%).” Fifty-Three percent of the respondents reported that their friends did not know the “real ACW me”.
The ACW Collective believes it is important to connect real time. We meet in each other’s studios, apartments and homes, local restaurants and meeting places. We do not talk about the business of ACW. We talk about our hopes, our dreams and our art.
We are working hard on our cross-generational, cultural and socio-economic communication skills. We are taking inventory of the words we use, our intention and how the words are interpreted. It matters. As we move forward as a culture, and as an organization, it is important to assume good intentions and not to allow our ACW community to get bogged down in power semantics to the point where dialogue becomes impossible. When communication ceases – all is lost.
Majentah Aquarius and Barbara Bridges
have been in conversations focused on how people self-identify and how we identify others. I once introduced Majentah as one of ACW’s valued “youth voices”. She told me later, I do not want to be a “youth voice”. I want to be a valued voice. After a dynamic hour over coffee, where she asked me how I would like to be defined as a “67 year old woman”, we came up with an intriguing activity designed to assist in identifying “the real you”.
On November 17, at the Chowdah Feed we started to collect the data. we continued at Ana’s and Erik’s December 6, 2018 F to F Social Event.
Here are the responses. Can you guess who they are?