Salons at HQ Checklist
Event Details
Host(s) Name(s):
Event Name:
Date and Time:
Brief Description:
PayPal Information (to receive $100 stipend):
Congratulations on hosting an event at ACW HQ! ACW centers community building and inclusivity – this mandatory checklist supports this mission. Complete it two weeks before your event. Need support? – email the Salons at HQ Coordinator (Leo).
Find a more detailed optional event checklist here.
- Schedule and complete the 20 minute virtual orientation with the Salon at HQ Coordinator (Leo).
- Promote your event to a wide range of people (complete at least 2 options from the list).
- Write an article or blurb for the ACW Newsletter (150 words or less) promoting your event (due by the 22nd of each month). Send to Sam:
- Work with PR Coordinator for promo (Frances:
- Push out your event on all your social media (multiple times).
- Consider doing promotional events or out-of-the-box ideas along with events related to your theme and event and event space.
- Prepare for the day of the event.
- Plan ways for interaction with attendees, have signage about every aspect, consider make and takes, workshops, demos, giveaways, make it a community event.
- Name Tags for participants – include pronouns (blanks in closet by bathroom).
- Record participation so ACW can email participants a survey later (Participant Information form in closet by bathroom).
- Provide food/drink for most events. You will get $100 reimbursed to spend as you see fit.
- Plan for high quality photos before, during, and after the event for promo. After event send to Frances:
- Communicate the time you need for set up and take down to the Onsite Oversight: ____________ (name and email … Leo can add this for each event since it will vary).