Art -A-Whirl

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Art To Change the World’s New Space is Open for
Art-A-Whirl at 699 Lowry Ave NE

May 17-19, 2024.   Hours: Friday 5-9, Saturday 12-8, Sunday 12-5.

ACW will be hosting an expansive card making activity using our new die cut machine!! Acrylic markers, beads, exotic papers and more will also be available.

We will have snacks and beverages and a lounge area to kick back and relax. Most importantly, we will be the Art Passport Parade headquarters.  Read on to find out how to enter for a $500 art spending spree.

If you are not a participating artist in Art-A-Whirl we need your help to staff our space!
Please reach out to Barbara to sign up for a shift.

Photo above was created for the Chili Cookoff best table award for the Sailfest Fundraiser in Zihuantanejo, Mexico.