Art to Change the World, Inc.
Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes 07-14-2018
Date: July 14th 2018 Time meeting called to order: 10:01am
Board Members Present
Name | Present | Absent | Name | Present | Absent |
Barbara Bridges | x | Craig Harris | x | ||
Lynn Olson | x | Patricia Rogers | x | ||
Grace Bianchi | x | Kristi Hemmer | x | ||
Shira Richter (video) | x | Joan Vaughn, Chair | x |
Mission Statement
Art to Change the World (ACW) is a non-profit, diverse coalition of artists, educators, scientists, topic experts, and other change makers who join forces in service of positive social change. We employ the arts, education, audience engagement, and organizational partnerships to provoke discussion, reflection, and action.
To Do Items
Item | Assigned to |
Engage in discussion on Facebook Page | All Board Members |
Board to do for PR | Barbara Bridges |
Put 0ctober 5th and 6th on our calendars and come to the other dates as much as possible to support the artist | All Board Members |
To communicate with Jill to schedule a way for board members to sign up to gallery sit | Craig Harris |
Send 1-2 questions about your performance | All Board Members |
Sell 2 tickets to friends fundraiser | All Board Members |
Contact Ben about Youth Advisory Board | Grace Bianchi |
Type up proposed policy and distribute to board for discussion | Joan Vaughn |
After event, document event roles
Craig will approve paid/volunteer roles for event planning. |
Craig Harris |
Connect Barbara to webmaster | Joan Vaughn |
Send out a doodle request to schedule online board meeting, where we will be discussing two things. 1. Membership.2.Funding policy
Joan Vaughn |
10:00 | Welcome and Approve Minutes -April 21st 2018 | ● Minutes Approved |
Discuss Purpose of Board Meetings | ● Joan discussed that ACW is a policy based board with fiduciary responsibilities (legally responsible to guide organization in ethical use of finances, ensure alignment with non-profit rules & guidelines, and approve & uphold mission and vision). | |
10:15 | Discuss changes to mission,
vision,values. Discuss elevator speeches for all board members. |
● Board practiced individual elevator speeches.( what you would say to someone if they asked you about ACW.) |
10:30 | Financial Report | ● 7,000 Grant (ENCUMBERED FUNDS) |
10:45 | Committee Reports | ● Everything is in place and moving along. Hitting social media hard. Instagram has more interest than FB. |
10:45 | Events
Craig-event, who for design?
Joan – Friends Fundraiser |
● Reviewed Schedule. Progress with design and layout. Working out equipment needs. Gallery sitting discussion.
● VIP event is to help raise awareness around the organization ● Donors/ sponsor buy a ticket for youth artist/first time attendee to diversify/increase audience. ● Target is 75 people @ $75 a piece ● Artist and board members do not need tickets(25-30) ● Social games( passport to the artworks)to get people talking and connecting. ● What’s your issue name tags. ● Expectation – each ACW member will sell/bring 2 people to fundraiser ● getting bids for Food ( fundraiser) ● No problems with capacity (comp ticket for the artist and board member) ● Committee is going well and moving forward. |
10:45 | PR | No concerns, on target. |
10:45 | Education | ● Mt. Olivet wants to partner with ACW
● Hire 4 artists for a 2 hour session ● Applying for grant. 2 classes each & art mediums selected by funder. ● 9 workshops, confident everyone knows what’s going on. |
10:45 | Fundraising and Grants | Board will set a policy regarding paying & supporting authentic voices while maintaining surplus goal to eliminate future issues
● Determine surplus goal in budget
10:45 | Director’s Report | Barbara provided a sheet to follow along
● Hosts set in place ● Sell artist work on fundraising night ● ACW gets 100% on auction items ● Working on funding to pay positions that require a lot time (Craig/Barbara). ● $10 per ticket for Danielle & Craig performance( goal to fund them) ● $5 registration fee for workshops ● Got the grant from Laura ● Find out August 1st if we get Bush grant ● Don’t RSVP to group mails(BCC when sending emails) ● Need a webmaster
11:30 | Discuss Membership purpose, definition, function, cost | ● Create a policy around membership & fee?
11:30 | End meeting. Set date for next meeting | September 15th at 10:00am
Location: Coop, followed by member meeting at Coop. |
Time adjourned: 11:32 Minutes submitted July 17th, 2018, by Grace Bianchi, Secretary.