Healing the Breach – Opening Reception

Healing the Breach Exhibition AHHA! (Artistry, Honest, Healing Action) White Bear Center for the Arts Runs April 25-June 9, 2022 Opening Reception: Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 6:30-8:30 PM

On Location Drawing Group – Minneapolis Public Library

On-Location Drawing Group  Next Stop: Minneapolis Public Library: Downtown branch - 300 Nicollet Mall, Mpls 55401 May 28th-  Meet us in the lobby @ 11:30. We will draw until 1:30. Lunch @ Whole Foods Market,222 Hennepin Ave ( @ the corner of Hennepin and Washington  Ave. 1 &1/2 blocks east of the library) Lunch is always optional […]

Blood on the Pavement – Closing Night

Think, Discuss, and Disrupt! The upcoming Art To Change the World art exhibit, “Blood on the Pavement,” aims to help Minnesota communities think, discuss, and disrupt! The group show is scheduled to have Opening Night activities during First Thursday, May 5, 2022 from 5:00 - 9:00 PM at the Northrup King Building third floor gallery […]

Solo Show Opening: Becca David

Becca David June 2, 2022, Solar Arts Building  Fox Den Gallery 2nd Floor 5:00 PM-8:00 PM 711 NE 15th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55413 Solo Show Join Art to Change the World Artist Becca David in the Fox Den Gallery where she will explore the natural world as it is and how it could be. This work serves to […]

Opening Reception @ Homewood Studios

Homewood Studios Entertainment/recreation: distraction, pastime, pleasure, gratification, relaxation the alteration, digression, turning, variation Changing course: departure, detour, deviation, Diversion: Definitions and synonyms Laura DuFrane Murphey, Judith Jopp, John Stumme, Debra Ripp, Linda Snoufffer, and Shirl Chouinard June 3-25    Opening Reception – Friday, June 3, from 5:00 to 7:30 pm Gallery/Artists’ Talk – Tuesday, June 21 […]

Opening Reception: Children of Nature – Find Your Wonderland

JOIN US SUNDAY JUNE 5, 2022 FOR “CHILDREN OF NATURE: FIND YOUR WONDERLAND” OPENING ARTIST’S RECEPTION: 1:00 to 4:00 pm Meet the Artist: 1:00 to 4:00 pm Artist’s Talk: 2:30 pm Raffle Drawing follows Artist’s Talk

On Location: Boom Island Park

Please join us for a drawing session at Boom Island Park @ 724 Sibley St. N.E. from 11:30-1:30 and lunch @ Elsie’s. Lunch is optional and on your own dime): 729 Marshall St. N.E. Mpls 55413. This information is posted and updated on our On Location Facebook page. For further ?’s Email: tobersonstudios@gmail.com.

Lobster Chowdah Feed / Thank You Party

The Power of Maine Chowdah Lobster Chowdah Thank You Party on June 18.  Join us! ACW  Director, Barbara Bridges, is a Maine native.  She makes a famous seafood chowder with seafood she flies in from Maine.  It is her Grammy LeBlanc’s recipe. Cheesy biscuits often accompany the traditional whoopie pies!   There will be a Seafood Chowdah […]

Owen Brown @ Sabes Center

Owen Brown will be showing a quadriptych, "Often I am Permitted to Return to a Meadow," at the Sabes Center The opening is June 30th, 7 to 9, and the show will be on for over a month.  4330 S. Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55416 The current Hebrew year, 5782, is a Shmita year. […]

Age of Age

ACW hosts a Social Justice Art Exhibit at Homewood Studios on the Theme of Ageism. No matter your age you probably think about age. Do you feel old one day and then young another? Are you treated differently because of your age or your “perceived age”? Join us at Art to Change the World’s  Age […]