Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Project – Studio Day
This project leads 10 people (diverse culturally and by age) and selected from the larger MWMO neighborhood population, to meet, collect trash along the Mississippi and participate in an immersive […]
Maker Space @ YMCA – Intuitive Process Painting with Catherine Palmer
Art to Change the World has been contracted to create a Maker Space (art room) in several venues, including several Transformational Housing for Women who have experienced homelessness and Youth […]
Maker Space @ Haven Housing: Found Object Motivational Sculpture and Healing Cuffs with Barbara Bridges
Art to Change the World has been contracted to create a Maker Space (art room) in several venues, including several Transformational Housing for Women who have experienced homelessness and Youth […]
Maker Space @ YMCA: Zippy Quilted Zips with Lucienne Schroepfer
Art to Change the World has been contracted to create a Maker Space (art room) in several venues, including several Transformational Housing for Women who have experienced homelessness and Youth […]
Maker Space @ Haven Housing – Mono Printing with Lynnette Black
Art to Change the World has been contracted to create a Maker Space (art room) in several venues, including several Transformational Housing for Women who have experienced homelessness and Youth […]
Maker Space @ YMCA – Mask Making with Sam Greene
Art to Change the World has been contracted to create a Maker Space (art room) in several venues, including several Transformational Housing for Women who have experienced homelessness and Youth […]
Maker Space @ Haven Housing: Creative Clay Creatures with Layl McDill
Art to Change the World has been contracted to create a Maker Space (art room) in several venues, including several Transformational Housing for Women who have experienced homelessness and Youth Programs […]
Maker Space @ YMCA: Block Printing Pillows With Briauna Williams
Art to Change the World has been contracted to create a Maker Space (art room) in several venues, including several Transformational Housing for Women who have experienced homelessness and Youth […]
Maker Space @ Haven Housing – Henna With Madalina Kellner
Art to Change the World has been contracted to create a Maker Space (art room) in several venues, including several Transformational Housing for Women who have experienced homelessness and Youth Programs […]
Maker Space @ YMCA: Dyeing T Shirts with Candy Kuehn
Art to Change the World has been contracted to create a Maker Space (art room) in several venues, including several Transformational Housing for Women who have experienced homelessness and Youth […]