December 1 Kobe Workshop

Dec 1  1:00 – 4:00   $50  Barb Kobe Introduction to Art, Feeling & Healing Dolls.

4032 Kentucky Ae N, Minneapolis, MN 55427

Susan, Nancy, Christi, Barb and Barbara met for an incredibly powerful  experience at Barb Kobe’s studio.


Nancy’s start
We were served an amazing chicken soup
Nancy’s head
Nancy working


Magical dolls
Susan duality





















Barbara Bridges
It was SUCH a gift not to be in charge.  I picked the Seer card from the deck which at first consideration seemed not to be relevant but as I dug deeper, it was so very clear that my 40 year teacher hat has given me  a hyper sensitive  burden which gives me more information than is particularly healthy for me or  others.  I have been in warrior mode for so very long- just for survival- that my doll seeks to give the power back to the universe. “I submit”.