Director’s report Sept 8, 2021

Director’s Report
COH:  $33,776.16  Checking  /  $440.44 PayPal

ACW Fundraiser at Marko’s   $1,050.00
10% Fundraiser to December ACW  Layl  $1180  Barbara $80  Lucy $30  Natalie $40. Anyone interested in matching total?

Coaching Project

Ashley Richardson Writer and Artist BF 27

Response to violence on black bodies Walkway Installation with art and poetry. Experiential.  Participants add to the work.

Scientist   Dominique Zellmer f 42 Multi ethnic  Gender inequality LGBT


Artist  Deacon  Warner W M 53 film maker


Lauren Edson   W F 22 LGBT   Gender Identity

Scientist  Mark Jelinik  50 W M , mob psychology lack of critical thinking

Artist Susan Hensel W F 71
The idea of beauty?  Use scientific method

Madalina Kelner   WF  25    Trauma Recovery Space 

Scientist  Jason Randal  WM 53  Super techie- makes environment sculptures

Artist  Hammond F AA 53 music/dance/theater


Alternate  Bea Crow

Two ACW youth candidates offered ACW technical support to pursue their ideas.

Review CP Orientation Day

Gather Data. All participants:
Flesh Out database

Bio paragraph
Bio Picture
Image for promotional purposes.  Art, science topic etc.  If scientists need an image created- we can do that.
List of social media platforms
Radio/TV/Print local media  name, address, email, phone, website
PodCast/Blogs?  Each participant recommend 1 each.
Resume and skill sets one-pager from all participants. Both Coaches and Project Managers.

Social Media
SWAP Rebuild
Press Releases
Design Work

?Critique Model Plans -Greg

?Fox Den Solo Exhibitions on First Thursdays. October start. Application/Contract.

? Next Development Project. Timber and Tie.  Menu of Offerings.
Project 1.   20 artists create 1 work of art each   @ $200 each. There is a drawing of interested residents. The 20 Artists and the 20 Residents meet for the art  exchange of successful winners at a food and drink party with maybe one fun art activity.   Artists might create  2 works of art for sale at a pop up gallery to be left up for a month.   ACW plans and pays for the party. Developer hosts community event during exhibition. $5,000.

Project 2.  $8,000

Project 3.  $10,000.

Another ADP style project  will be $20,000.00 . It cost us almost $18,000.00 and over 300 hours of my time, 160 from Layl, 100 from Katie and many hours from several others.

ADP/PUPP  Report

ArtsDistrict Palette: Where artists and Neighbors Mix

ADP Project Coordinator   – Barbara   $200  Donated
Collecting Coupons   Judy Ostrowski   $800  PAID
Designing and Printing Coupons   $300  PAID
Insurance  PUPP   $160 PAID
Cider Werks Artist Coordinator  -Alison Price   $200  Donated
Artist  Coordinator -Layl McDill   $200  PAID
Pop Up Palette Coordinators    Catherine, Susan, Natalie   $500  PAID
Pop Up Palette Party Expenses
Decorations?  What?   ACW Swag?
  $200  PAID


Musicians $650  PAID
Promo Coordinator   Layl, $100 PAID
Swag Bags $1420  PAID
Table and Chair rental $180  PAID
Musicians Tip JAr $ 50  PAID
Printing and Design
$550 Coupon Book/Name tags
$50.00 Banners
$100 Posters for PUPP
$750  PAID


Radio   Jazz 88?  When close to event
KFAI   Traded 30 spots and 2 interviews with for a spot on the bag
$250  PAID
Promo and ACW Swag
Blue bud vase FREE from Lynnette- artists decorate
Stickers $100.00
Plastic Bags for Coupons  $80.00
Magnets  name tags $50.00
$230  PAID
Photos of PUPP  Natalie and Devin $100
Artists  Stipends  $12,000.00
10 X 10 NEMAA
10 artists = $300


Total  $17,790.00



Income  Huxley
Income Swag Bags ($500 was from ACW)
Income Donations specifically for ADP project ($500 was from ACW)




$240  in the  RED
$740 with $500 Swag Bag