Emma Norton Lessons 2025

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ACW’s Partnership with Emma Norton Services continues in 2025

Teaching Schedule Classes:  Twice a month Jan-Dec  /Thursdays Jan-March
Register for Classes Soon.  Sign up at the desk at Restoring Waters.


January 9th 6-8pm Meandering Art Journal: Easy bookmaking from brown paper bags with Karen Daphne McDonald

Create a book decorated with colors and pictures meaningful to maker. A relaxing and quick

project in which anyone can succeed. Makers experience the satisfaction of making something

that is one-of-a-kind, practical, and replicable book art.

January 23rd 6-8pm Healing Beads: Crafting Vision Board Earrings with Rebecca Froehlich

Explore the power of self-expression and healing in this hands-on class, where you’ll create earrings from custom beads as personal symbols of identity and resilience. Using recycled magazine paper, you’ll design and handcraft unique beads that reflect your goals, dreams, and affirmations. The paper beads, rolled from your choice of magazine clippings, act as “living vision boards”—each bead holding personal meanings and aspirations.

Throughout the session, we’ll reflect on our intentions and identity, discussing how these earrings can serve as a reminder of the stories we carry. Walk away with a new set of earrings—and a tangible, wearable vision board—empowering you to celebrate yourself and the goals that guide your path forward.

February 6th 6-8pm The Art of Self Care- paint a bud vase & make a print with Lynnette Black

Create a piece of art that is beautiful and useful for every day life, “Joy Bud Vase.” This project encourages self expression and builds confidence that  “everyone can be an artist.” The Joy Bud Vase is practical, and interactive, as you can put new flowers in the vase; even dandelions would look good.

You do not need expensive special materials to make art.  Also learn how to make a monoprint.

February 20th 6-8pm Medicine Card Magic with Laura Burlis

Get Familiar with Animal Medicine Cards and draw one. Create a collage based on their response and feelings about the Medicine Card they drew. Share (optional) with group what they were thinking about or how they feel about their collage.

March 6th 6-8pm Creating Sacred Space- Let’s build a home altar with Cynthia Mauleon

Through conversation and creating portable home altars, we will explore how we can shape our living space to promote healing, manifest intentions, and create a restorative atmosphere.

March 20th 6-8pm Sashiko Slow-Stitching Coaster with SAM Greene

Slow stitching is a meditative sewing movement that is becoming really popular these days.Students can make several coasters, matching or non-matching.

They will make one or two in class and can take home the materials they need to make additional coasters.

Teachers Bios: