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Introducing ACW Extensions!

What is it?

ACW Extensions is an opportunity for ACW members to extend their knowledge, skills, insights, and passions to other ACW members through a 1 hour virtual ACW Extensions workshop.

 ACW Extensions is inspired by Home Demonstration Clubs launched by USDA Cooperative Extension Services around the turn of the century.

Apply to be an ACW Agent

Sign up to share your skills, knowledge, and insights with our ACW community! Know something about booking gallery gigs? Have a wealth of knowledge around glue and art fasteners? Want to talk about art and mental health? Whatever your interest or expertise – we want to hear from you!

Agents are welcome to apply for 1 session per workshop. Sessions run 15-60 minutes each, allowing for 1-4 presenters per workshop.

More information and application here:

Upcoming 2021 Extension Dates:


*events will be held approx. every other month

Questions or concerns? Feel free to contact Abby Ross (she/her), ACW Project Manager: abi.marie.ross@gmail.com