Gardening Folklore

Chives and garlic planted among the beans may ward off rabbits.  They do not taste good!
Coffee Grounds in the garden.  Worms DO seem to like them

Plant your garden on Good Friday
Plant your placenta in your garden spot. (This might have spiritual value).
Put a dish of beer out to attract slugs
Put Epson Salts in your soil

Chicken (too hot unless at least 3 years old)
Horse  Readily available in many rural areas or through reputable suppliers, horse manure makes a suitable and inexpensive fertilizer for plants. Horse manure can give new plants a jump start while providing essential nutrients for continual growth.
Sheep Goat Pig manure is also fine, if aged.
Human manure is no good since we are full of the drugs we have ingested and disease.
Read more at Gardening Know How: Making And Using Horse Manure Compost


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