- Accept Invitation to Lyft Business in your email
- Create a Lyft account
- Enter phone number
- Type in verification code you received by text
- Fill in your first and last name
- Enter your email
- Agree to Terms and Services
- Add personal information to your profile
- Photo of yourself
- Info you think a driver should know about you
- Set your home and a work address for easy selection
- You now have a Lyft account that can bill ACW for up to $200 per year
- Rides can be ordered through Lyft.com or on the Lyft App
- Put in address of destination
- Select the type of ride you want
- Lyft will inform you of a couple important details
- When your ride will show up
- License plate number of the car
- Name of driver
- Color and type of vehicle
- Before entering the car confirm it is your Lyft
- Check the license plate
- Ask their name
- After your ride is complete
- Rate the experience and write a comment if you want
- Confirm payment
- Rider safety tips
- Keep someone you trust informed about how your ride is going
- Pay attention to your surroundings
- Try not to be on your phone the whole time
- DON’T wear headphones
- Only communicate with the driver through Lyft
Document created by Frances Bates, reach out to her using francesbates22@gmail.com.