January 2, 2022 4:00 pm Minutes Task Force
Nina Robinson took minutes, they are highlighted
In attendance
Barbara a Bridges
Layl McDill
Natalie McGuire
Madalina Kelner
Becca David
Rebecca Froehlich
Tom Fulton
Nina Robinson
Catherine Palmer
Debra Ripp
Candy Kuehn
Kelly Frankenberg
Barbara opened meeting, since we had new people we went around and introduced ourselves.
Layl read the mission statement
Read * Mission of ACW The Mission: Art to Change the World (ACW) is a diverse non-profit coalition of change makers employing the arts in service of positive social change
Barbara brought us up to date with the percentage of people that were opening their ACW newsletter, it is up, 57%
We have 8 new members.
- The coaching project is moving along and is fully funded.
- Financials: Barbara shared her spreadsheet with her projections for the year as well as where we are as an organization financially. $43021 to artists in 2021, 4th quarter, $16,146.68
Draft recommendation to present to Board:
The positions and the compensation was explained and was okayed by task force.
Becca David updated us on the grants she is researching and applying for
ACW Facebook: Please send Barbara photos to put on the FB page with a simple description of the event.
Do we want to utilize Google Calendar as a way to impart information. It was decided to stick with emails.
* New Studio Visits Initiative for 2022 -Noble Truths -Report. Owen B Owen was not at the meeting but Barbara said he was narrowing down the studio visit applications.
* On Location Drawing Co-op and Calendar project report. Deb Ripp shared that the calendar sales had netted $235 in profits and that there were more to sell. Candy offered to post the on Instagram with a special deal if people bought them in bulk. The Newton location will be Jan 22 at Como Conservatory.
A motion was made by Barbara that the proceeds from the calendar sales would go towards the On Location budget, it was seconded and passed. There will soon be a page for the on location On the ACW website.
Discussion on procedure to share specialized data for ACW decision making: Barbara posed the question regarding how we communicate with others, marginalized groups, BIPOC members, etc.. within the task force. Should we do a blind poll, ( Natalie) to see how these members feel about being asked their opinions or if they are comfortable sharing their viewpoints about specific decisions. The individualized dialogue with members of ACW that can build culture and relationships. The diversity and inclusion coordinator needs to be a part of this discussion.
Madalina gave feedback from her viewpoint as a marginalized person with a disability among other concerns. Barbara suggested that there should be a one time meeting to discuss this procedure.
Rebecca David has agreed to convene this committee.
Possible partnership with Solar to host a discussion on Cultural Appropriation. Support moving ahead with discussions? Mike Sheridan , Solar Arts Building coordinator, is wondering if ACW wants to partner with them regarding a panel discussion on Cultural Appropriation. There was some interest in this and we would encourage all members of the task force to attend.
* We have won a July exhibition at Homewood Studios. Theme? Idea: May/December show. Partner over 50 and under 50 teams to explore ageism? the task force liked this idea. If anyone is interested in this committee please email Barbara.
So far interested: Rebecca F, Kelly F, Nina, Madalina, Layl, Barbara
* 10% Club Fundraiser still looking for matching funds. $2744.00
* Gritique Coordinator Report. Greg Volker,
Club Critique name change, Greg wasn’t in attendance- he has covid!! Get well message to Greg! So far interested: Kelly F, Greg, Susan G, Deb, Barbara, Layl. Could these people please ask one other person?
- Social Media Report: Rebecca Friday Night Party : Post Party (PoPa for short?) Show Directive
- Rebecca brought us up to date on Social media, we are going to have another Friday night social media party on Friday January 21, 6 pm. Rebecca- could you please create an announcement?
* Rebecca Froelich is the You Tube Coordinator. Report there will be a stipend for people who want to do a short video with Rebecca for our You Tube channel.
* SWAP report: Nina gave a quick report on SWAP, she is going to meet with Kelly F. Strategize how to pump up the project, - Must adopt 1 work, then send 3 works into the registry. Report: Coordinator: Nina Robinson
* Building Community page report – New Coordinator -Kelly Frankenberg. Check out the page: https://www.arttochangetheworld.org/creating-acw-community/ Send pictures WITH a few sentence description and captions to Kelly F kellyfrankenberg@gmail.com -
- Kelly introduced herself again, she will be posting pictures on the website, please send her photos with a brief description. She is excited to bring her skills to this project!
Fox Den : Lucy was not present but Barbara covered the recent holiday show and shared the outcome.
- Kelly introduced herself again, she will be posting pictures on the website, please send her photos with a brief description. She is excited to bring her skills to this project!
- Rebecca brought us up to date on Social media, we are going to have another Friday night social media party on Friday January 21, 6 pm. Rebecca- could you please create an announcement?
Extensions: do we want to have a watch party, read a book and have a discussion, watch a movie and have a discussion. Please contact Layl if you are interested in this
$13,000.00 Anonymous donation to Re-Organization efforts. Report – Barbara shared we had an anonymous donation.
Natalie expressed interest in doing the first Thursday in February.
Identify Date for Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Sunday January 30th at 4
Respectfully submitted,
Nina Robinson