May 2 Design Exhibition Committee

Minutes: Art to Change the World

Exhibition Committee Meeting

May 2, 2018

Squirrel Haus Arts

7:30-8:30 AM

Members Present:

Barbara Bridges

Jill Waterhouse

Barry Scanlan

Maris Gilbert

Anne Kleinhenz

Barbara Bridges:

1-   General discussion, current status reports and updates

  1. a)   Reminder Artist Applications are due from artist members


2 –  Authentic Voices

Reminders: Applications due date 6/1/18

  1. Authentic Voice members fee will be paid ($250)
  2. Authentic Voice basic interactions requested:
  1. Meetup to get started
  2. Studio visit
  3. Attendance at opening
  4. Workshop if applicable


3 – Education Committee


  1. Workshop fee will be paid ($300; depends on number of hours)
  2. Jill Waterhouse in charge of education workshops scheduling


4 – Internship Opportunity

  1. Intern interviewed but not subsequently hired.


5 – VIP Event

  1. Friday 10/5/18: proposed date; team proposed timing 7 to 9 PM
  2. Saturday 10/6/18: proposed date for opening night; timing TBD
  3. Workshops will only take place during the day
  4. Each member will be asked to SELL ONE VIP ticket to evening event
  5. Refer to Open Eye Fundraiser on 5/17/18, 7 to 9 PM, $100 ticket; as event reference and to help generate ideas
  6. Joan Vaughan is Board Member who will Chair the ACW VIP event
  7. Barbara, Joan, Craig, Candy, Layl and Anne to attend Open Eye on 5/14 for research and idea generation
  8. ACW Artist Members to DONATE one work for the VIP event
  9. Maris reminded team NO ALCOHOL policy at SHA
  10. SHA does allow a donation bucket for fundraising purposes


6 – Exhibition Initial Planning Session

  1. Barry Scanlan is lead on exhibit space planning; Maris will be onsite backup to Barry and team committee
  2. SHA MAP OF SPACES was available for plotting initial spaces for artists; Barry made notes on map for all artists that are confirmed to be participating in the exhibition; see Barry’s follow up notes and report posted on ACW website for further details


Respectfully submitted on 5.7.18 by Anne Kleinhenz