Minutes: Art to Change the World
Exhibition Committee Meeting
May 2, 2018
Squirrel Haus Arts
7:30-8:30 AM
Members Present:
Barbara Bridges
Jill Waterhouse
Barry Scanlan
Maris Gilbert
Anne Kleinhenz
Barbara Bridges:
1- General discussion, current status reports and updates
- a) Reminder Artist Applications are due from artist members
2 – Authentic Voices
Reminders: Applications due date 6/1/18
- Authentic Voice members fee will be paid ($250)
- Authentic Voice basic interactions requested:
- Meetup to get started
- Studio visit
- Attendance at opening
- Workshop if applicable
3 – Education Committee
- Workshop fee will be paid ($300; depends on number of hours)
- Jill Waterhouse in charge of education workshops scheduling
4 – Internship Opportunity
- Intern interviewed but not subsequently hired.
5 – VIP Event
- Friday 10/5/18: proposed date; team proposed timing 7 to 9 PM
- Saturday 10/6/18: proposed date for opening night; timing TBD
- Workshops will only take place during the day
- Each member will be asked to SELL ONE VIP ticket to evening event
- Refer to Open Eye Fundraiser on 5/17/18, 7 to 9 PM, $100 ticket; as event reference and to help generate ideas
- Joan Vaughan is Board Member who will Chair the ACW VIP event
- Barbara, Joan, Craig, Candy, Layl and Anne to attend Open Eye on 5/14 for research and idea generation
- ACW Artist Members to DONATE one work for the VIP event
- Maris reminded team NO ALCOHOL policy at SHA
- SHA does allow a donation bucket for fundraising purposes
6 – Exhibition Initial Planning Session
- Barry Scanlan is lead on exhibit space planning; Maris will be onsite backup to Barry and team committee
- SHA MAP OF SPACES was available for plotting initial spaces for artists; Barry made notes on map for all artists that are confirmed to be participating in the exhibition; see Barry’s follow up notes and report posted on ACW website for further details
Respectfully submitted on 5.7.18 by Anne Kleinhenz