The concept of Yin and Yang became popular with the work of the Chinese school of Yinyang which studied philosophy and cosmology in the 3rd century BCE. The principal proponent of the theory was the cosmologist Zou Yan (or Tsou Yen) who believed that life went through five phases (wuxing) – fire, water, metal, wood, earth – which continuously interchanged according to the principle of Yin and Yang.
Yin is:
- feminine
- black
- dark
- north
- water (transformation)
- passive
- moon (weakness and the goddess Changxi)
- earth
- cold
- old
- even numbers
- valleys
- poor
- soft
- and provides spirit to all things.
Yin reaches it’s height of influence with the winter solstice. Yin may also be represented by the tiger, the colour orange and a broken line in the trigrams of the I Ching (or Book of Changes).
Yang is:
- masculine
- white
- light
- south
- fire (creativity)
- active
- sun (strength and the god Xihe)
- heaven
- warm
- young
- odd numbers
- mountains
- rich
- hard
- and provides form to all things.
Yang reaches it’s height of influence with the summer solstice. Yang may also be represented by the dragon, the colour blue and a solid line trigram.