The 2021 Coaching Project Teams Met on September 23, 2021 for 5 hours of Team Building Exercises and Activities.
View the Experience Below
Coaching Project Orientation Day Schedule
10:00 Introduction Sign W-9. Layl
10:05 Define Symbiotic and Social Justice Art All
10:10 ACW Community Guidelines Barbara and Layl
10:15 Best Learning Experience Story Shares All
10:30 Embrace Cognitive Dissonance Activity Barbara
Team Activity : Facilitator, Scribe, Reporter. Switch up these roles with each activity.
10:45 Slack and Shared Language training module preview. Barbara and Layl
11:00 Contract Questions: Barbara, Layl
11:15 Break
11:30 Lunch – Thank You to the Eastside Food Coop for their ongoing support.
12:30 How to document the CP project for your promotion and future funding requests.
Who do you know in media, or who might know? Who is your intended audience and why should they care.
At what points in your project do you want publicity, and how to back-time to the specific media’s deadlines.
Team Activity : Facilitator, Scribe, Reporter. Switch up these roles with each activity. Margo.
1:00 “Thinking like a Creative? “Participants answer question. What does this mean? “Thinking like a Scientist?” Participants answer question. What does this mean?
Team Activity : Facilitator, Scribe, Reporter. Switch up these roles with each activity. All
1:15 Draft 1 Planning Document. Questions? Modifications? Barbara
Team Activity: Facilitator (Project Manager),, Scribe, Reporter. Switch up these roles with each activity.
Review Monthly Report Documents. Questions? Modifications? Barbara
2:00 Wrap up Team Activity:
Pass a piece of paper around the team … spitball project ideas…words or phrases.
Create a 3-5 minute activity to make us think about your potential social justice question. Use any methodology- as long as art is incorporated. A box of “stuff” will be given to each team. They may negotiate “trades”. All
Homework. Name your Team
Introduction ACW Board Chair, Layl McDill
- Define the terms Symbiotic and Social Justice Art
Team Activity: Facilitator, Scribe, Reporter. Switch up these roles with each activity.Outcome
Define Symbiotic
Working Together and Independently
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
All members have equal powerSocial Justice
Be a Voice for the Voiceless
Barriers- Translucent Sieve
Equity to all people
See both (all?) sides
Think-Discuss-Disrupt - ACW Community Guidelines
ACW is a cross cultural/generational/gender collective. We strive for member equity. We do our messy best but we ALWAYS assume good intentions as we join together to try and make the world a better place. ALL need to have their voices honored. This includes the youth, power elites, the elders, and our BIPOC and marginalized members. This gets messy. Embrace it. We are trying to move ACW away from Transactional (What’s In it for ME) to Relational (What’s in it for US). Those members who move the collective forward are the members who are featured. Please do not be that person who complains and does nothing to contribute to positive change. Always feel invited to reach out to Barbara. Remember that ACW is a Volunteer Organization. ACW Member Rhoda Olsen’s Values. She built a billion dollar company with these values.
Make it FUN!!
ACW Interpersonal Dynamics Guidelines for all ACW members.
Assume Good Intentions. Become a data driven person. When something sounds improbable-it probably is. Collect the data BEFORE you draw conclusions.
If you have an issue with one of your ACW fellow members- approach THEM to resolve. If that is unsuccessful, then go to your Committee Chair and only then, if unsuccessful, the director. If you have a problem with a director, please ALWAYS feel invited to approach them. Do it FIRST. Before you complain to others.
If you have an issue with how something is being done. Join the committee which is setting this policy and raise your voice.
When we have reached consensus – then it is time for everyone to get on board and support the outcome. Please do not keep discussing the outcome. Sometimes your view prevails- sometimes it does not.
When asked to RSVP a meeting- Just “Reply”- no need to “Reply All”.
Re-send a meeting confirmation and details the day before if you are the convener.
If the Subject Changes… change the Subject line on the email.
To, Cc and Bcc When you are communicating, put the people who need to take action on the “To” line. Those who may need to know should be put on the “Cc” line. If you are on the Cc line and have relevant data which may impact the topic – then chime in. Use your judgement regarding Reply or Reply All. Use Bcc when emailing participants in projects outside ACW. Privacy Issues.
Send and Receive Email Etiquette
When you send an email with a task attached -include preferred completion date. When you receive an email with a task attached, please let the sender know you have received it and when you might get to it. You can say” I can’t do this” or “I can get this done by Sunday” or “I am on this”. Just REPLY! If there is something in the email you do not want to deal with…just ignoring the email is not an effective option. When the sender has to post 3 times to get an answer- it makes their work unmanageable. Thanks so much for this courtesy. Email is not infallible, and this is also a way for us to beat the poltergeists!
Time and Mode
Barbara arises around 5ish and does all her corresponding. She started this in her academic days- no one bothered her on the phone before 8 ; / 0 Some of you arise at 11:00 AM. That is fine! We just need to know what our times are. When you are asked for something- the person is on hold for what they need to do until you respond. Sometimes it is time sensitive. Become a speedy responder. Do you prefer Phone, Text or Email? Make that preference known!
Why did we include this module? All
- Best Learning Experience Story Shares Individual Activity
Cognitive Dissonance occurs when what you believe to be true is in direct conflict with what you see to be true. It happens when you realize that your truth is A truth- not THE truth.
Every community enjoys many different people with different life journeys which have brought them to different belief systems. Conflict emerges when one person or group believes that their truth is THE truth. There are 7 billion people on our little planet. It is statistically improbable, and possibly breathtakingly arrogant, to believe your truth is THE truth. I have had some success facilitating events which are designed by leaders in the community from MANY viewpoints. REAL social change can be realized when the participants collect data from each other, participate in authentic dialogue AND commit to action plans AND IF they let go of the idea that their truth is THE truth.
Have you ever experienced cognitive dissonance? Share. Individual Activity
- Slack and Shared Language Module Pre-view Activity
Fitting In vs. Belonging Two groups. Facilitator, Scribe, Reporter. Outcome
Sports Team
Self Expression in a safe space
ValidityFitting In
Conforming/code switching
Changing yourself/ not allowing yourself room for discovery
Belonging (natural) vs. Fitting In (anxiety)
A perceived or real violent demand to change
This desire to fit in has increased (social media)
Bending to societal pressures/per pressure
Compromising the Self
Sometimes a survival mechanism
6. Contract Questions
- How to document the CP for your promotion and future funding requests. Photographs. Article for Newsletter. Article for magazines or newspapers. Each Team member is responsible for one article. This is information you will use in your own practice.
It shouldn’t drive the project, but if it’s not tended to, it ends up being worthless for all your efforts. Even if no media interested, you will need documentation for future funding requests. Future funding will benefit from media mention, however.
Identify media likely to be interested:
Lots of small vs. one or a few big
Targeted to subject or geography
Who do you know in media, or who might know?
Types of media:
ACW newsletter, newsletters of other sorts, community newspapers and newsletters. Podcasts, radio, TV, community or public-access cable TV in various areas. Other publications. Magazines tend to have the longest lead time, TV the shortest. Understand the length and cadence of their typical news package, or if they are only open to “calendar items.” Don’t forget word of mouth and posters, post cards or flyers.
Who is your intended audience and why should they care.
What do you want them to do – Do you want direct involvement and action or is awareness enough, as a result of a media mention?
At what points in your project do you want publicity, and how to back-time to the specific media’s deadlines. Documenting with action shots, compelling visuals. All team members should take a turn at documenting or recruiting someone to document. Media prefer action shots, prefer close interaction that fits more than one person and context in a tight frame. “Don’t let them drive a truck through it.”
Writing: Tight, straightforward, quotes that sound like real people. Audience centered. Show people why they should care, how the subject relates to them.
Team Activity : Facilitator, Scribe, Reporter. Switch up these roles with each activity. Margo.
Follow all the ACW social media accounts:
Face Book
TiK Toc
You Tube
“Thinking like a Creative?“ Participants answer question. What does this mean?
“Thinking like a Scientist?” Participants answer question. What does this mean?
Team Activity : Facilitator, Scribe, Reporter. Switch up these roles with each activity. All
- Draft 1 Planning Document. Questions? Modifications? Barbara
Team Activity : Facilitator (Project Manager), Scribe, Reporter. Switch up these roles with each activity.
Coaching Project for a Better World – Project Planning Document to be submitted by the Project Managers by Nov 1, 2021.
Idea Paragraph: Describe what you want to invent, create, explore, understand. 300 Words. Craft this paragraph. This is your elevator speech.
Project Name (this may change but should have a title which makes people want to know more).
Target Audience (Provide demographics – must provide an opportunity for ACTIVE engagement of at least 50-100 people. Underserved groups encouraged).
Topic(s) You may have more than one topic.
Objectives (Make clear statements. What will your audience do and learn? What will you do and learn? Example: Audience will be involved in… /Audience will be able to…./ Project leader will be able to….. /Coach will …)
Snappy Launch (How will you engage your audience? A hook? A demonstration?)
Procedure (Provide a timeline. Completion by May 1, 2022. What will you do when? Who will complete the tasks?)
Date | Task/Activity | Who | What materials will you need? | Cost of materials/ stipends |
Need Help with? | Notes |
How will you advertise/promote your project?
Assessment (How will you assess if your project was successful? Example: 50% participation//20% interactive discussion /30% product)
Please send your report to Barbara Bridges Please put your name in the subject line.
Please post Layl McDill Boots on the Ground, Conflict Coordinator, and ACW PR Director. Attach pictures and copy for Promotions! Please also feel invited to reach out to Communications Coordinator Abby Ross,
- Review Monthly Report Documents. Questions? Modifications? Barbara
A. Coaching Project for a Better World – Monthly Report -Coaches Date: __________________
Your Name ___________________________________
Project Manager Name____________________
Project Name ___________________________
Target Audience. Has it been identified? (What have you done to identify? Plan to connect? Invite? Incentive for participation?)
Objectives Same? Post here. Identify changes. Report on progress or challenges.
Procedure Do you feel the Project Manager is on task? Assess Progress. Obstacles or challenges encountered and methods, discoveries, improvisations to overcoming them. What do you still need for resources?
I dialogued in Slack _____ times. Positives? Negatives?
Suggestions on Program Modifications.
What can we do better?
What is really working?
I would like____________________to please give me a call? Your Phone Number:
Please send your report to Barbara Bridges and Layl McDill Please put your name in the subject line.
Please post Layl McDill Boots on the Ground, Conflict Coordinator, and ACW PR Director with pictures and copy for Promotions! Please also feel invited to reach out to Communications Coordinator Abby Ross,
- Coaching Project for a Better World – Monthly Report Project Manager Date: ________________
Name ____________________________ Coaches:_________________________________________
Idea Paragraph (has it changed?)
Project Name Topic(s)
Target Audience (what have you done to identify? Plan to connect? Invite? Incentive for participation?)
Objectives Identify changes. Report on progress.
Snappy Launch ? Changed? Same?
Procedure Create as many cells as you need. This is where you report on what you have accomplished and what you are planning. PLEASE TAKE MANY PICTURES AND SEND THEM TO LAYL FOR PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES!
Date | Task/Activity | Who | What materials will you need? | Cost of materials/ stipends? |
Need Help with | Describe Progress |
Money Request Total: The $3,000 project money will be disbursed by invoice/receipt. Please scan the receipt(s) and send them to Barbara. You can use some of this money to hire consultants/videographers etc but they must invoice you. Barbara will pay you in a Pay Pal account that you need to have or create.
Date | Materials/stipends | How Much | Invoice/Receipt attached | Explanation Notes | Balance $3,000 |
Expand as needed |
Assess Your Progress. How has the project changed and developed?” (because we know it will). “What changes were predictable or expected? And what changes were unexpected?” What do you still need. What Resources are you still looking for?
I dialogued in Slack _____ times. Positives? Negatives?
Procedure Do you feel the Project Manager is on task? Assess Progress. What is going well? What do you still need to address? What Resources are you still looking for?
Suggestions on Program Modifications.
What can we do better?
What is really working?
I would like____________________to please give me a call? Your Phone Number:
Please send your report to Barbara Bridges and Layl McDill Please put your name in the subject line.
Please post Layl McDill Boots on the Ground, Conflict Coordinator, and ACW PR Director with pictures and copy for Promotions! Please also feel invited to reach out to Communications Coordinator Abby Ross,
- Wrap up Team Activity:
Pass a piece of paper around the team … spitball key project ideas…words or phrases.
Create a 3-5 minute activity to make us think about your potential social justice question. Use any methodology- as long as art is incorporated. A box of “stuff” will be given to each team. You may negotiate “trades”.
Homework. Name your Team