Jill performing “Taking the Knee”

Madelynne and Erik: The Satin of Knowing







Video by Kira Corser:


Anne with her Heart Listening Installation

Craig in the cube
The Human Senses on FireLaura and HERstory of race and culture

Danielle dancing with tape measure costume and cell phone lights to communicate Grace’s concern with body image and device addiction
Grace with her panel on body imageLayl’s Workshop

Layl with her parents

Shira pulls a print

Candy works on the Peace Post

Majentah and Jill

Esparanza (hope) collects feedback for Barbara Bridges’ work on Recovery


Morgan and Anne in the ever popular cove of heart Listening
The composer
Elijah contemplating
Jill’s jacket says it all (All Together) as she chats with new member William White
Kate Fisher talking about motherhood
New member Nancy in the middle
Rhonda, Kate and Shira Richter talking about the cultural challenges of motherhood
With topic Expert Veronica


Compassionate Conversation

Posts for Peace and Justice

See. Say. Do!

From Kira Carrillo Corser

On Vimeo.

Barbara and Layl talk it over
Craig the Chef
Danielle the dancer
Barbara talks about “Today, I’m Alright” with film maker Decon Warner
MAdelynne and erik
Outer gallery
Middle Gallery
Craig in the spotlight
Shira makes a galley vist to Layl
Kira sees snow!

Sarah checks in
Shira by er work
Shira visits Barbara’s studio

Recovery Workshop

This is alt text.
Barb and her gorilla
South High Compassionate Conversations
South High Leaders
Peace Posts
Peace Posts 2


Barbara Roger Bridges (co-founder)

With Shira Richter (from Isreal)

From Kira Carrillo Corser

On Vimeo.

Become a Member

Kira Isabel and Barbara
Compassionate Conversations
Jill serving wine at Real Story Screening
Madelynne and Satins
Barbara with south High School students
Craig and Madelynne


Art To Change the World Trailer

From Kira Carrillo Corser

On Vimeo.

Become a Member

Non-profit Partners
South High School
Kira visits Barbara ‘s studio and Reflecting Pool

Kira visits Barbara ‘s studio and Reflecting Pool
Nick prepares for his poetry reading
Jill and Take the Knee
Sarah and Sue Helgeson
Barbara in her studio
Visitor with Madelynne’s Satin of Knowingness
Skyler, Barb and Shira
Susan came to save the Opening Day, day.
Shira in Anne’s Contemplation Cove
Borealis Dances in their “Talk-Back”
Majentah in performance
Erik and Mike
Board Member Lynn Olson at Satin of Knowingness
Skyler with button jacket
Sarah with great grandma’s Swedish dolls
See. Say. DO store
Standing Room Only on VIP Threads of Our Cloth performance.
Jim and Craig


Compassionate Arts

With South High Documentary

At Art To Change the World

From Kira Carrillo Corser

On Vimeo.

Become a Member

Ballerina does tech. Danielle- owner of Borealis
Borealis Dancers warm up
Esparanza (hope) collects feedback for Barbara Bridges’ work on Recovery
Herman Milligan Contemplates in Anne’s Cove
Jill Waterhouse and her work.
Artist made nametages for the VIP Friends Fundraiser
Barbara’s See, Say. DO neck piece. Get it?
Sarah Teske and Barbara wrangle the “Square”
Craig Harris and tech specialist Jim, make it happen
Anne in her Cove
Barb Kobe and the healing dolls
Installing Rebecca’s Union Label work
Preparing in Barbara’s studio

Craig as Elijah
Bette dons a satin from Madelynne’s Satin of Knowingness
Nick Speaks with Madelynne about the antique wheelchair donated by Tim Benjamin
Craig Elijah
Danielle leading the talk-back