Rental Agreement for 699 Lowry Ave NE


 ***Only ACTIVE Members of ACW may rent ACW Headquarters***

An active ACW member is a member who does some, many, or all of the following:

  • Pays their yearly membership fee;
  • Part of the decision making by attending task force meetings;
  • Keeping up with the newsletter and upcoming events;
  • Offers to volunteer when they can;
  • Comes to some of the events and other artists’ events to support them;
  • Joins any of our ongoing groups/projects (climate team, critique, project management, on location drawing, cabin fever reliever, etc.)
  • See the following for more information:

Contact to check that membership is current and volunteer hours are credited to you.

I have verified that I am an Active ACW member.

Name:                                                                         Signature:                                                                   

This agreement is made on ­                                                    , 20      , by and between Art to Change the World, Inc. (“ACW”) and                                                                               (“Member”). Member agrees to rent and ACW agrees to make available the use of the upper portion of the ACW Headquarters located at 699 NE Lowry Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55418 with the following terms and conditions.

 Date of Event:                                                                                                                                                

Time of Event:                                                                                                                                               

Space to be Rented: check all that apply

☐ Venue Vennewitz (Meeting Space)           ☐ Kitchen         ☐ Porch        ☐ Healing Room

Description of Use:                                                                                                                                        


Member Name:                                                                                                                                              

Member Address:                                                                                                                                          

Member Phone:                                                          Member Email:                                                          

Please read the material below to make sure all parties understand the requirements of providing for keeping ACW Headquarters maintained and a safe location for future use.


You MUST be an Active ACW Member to rent the space. Space rental is done on a first-come, first-served basis and MUST be approved by the Scheduling Coordinator. Our online calendar will track the space. Please verify you are listed on the online calendar following the signing of this agreement at


All cancellations must be done at least 48 hours in advance. If you fail to cancel your reservation and fail to show up, you will not be permitted to rent ACW Headquarters in the future.


  • Drugs and Alcohol. There is absolutely no drug use, smoking of any kind, including vaping, or alcohol permitted on the premises.
  • Animals. Animals are permitted but must be controlled.
  • Children. Children are permitted but should be involved in an activity or have a planned activity while present.
  • Use of Supplies. Do not consume or use any food, beverage, or supplies you did not bring.
  • Garbage. Please carry your garbage out to the Dumpster on Howard St.
  • Cleanup. Member is responsible for the cleanup of the space after the rental period. The space shall be given back to ACW in the same condition at the start of the rental period.
  • Member and guests shall use the premises in a considerate manner at all times.
  • Conduct deemed disorderly at the sole discretion of ACW staff shall be grounds for immediate expulsion from the premises and conclusion of the rental period.
  • Member and guests agree to comply with all applicable city, county, State, and Federal laws and shall conduct no illegal act on the premises.


Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, Special Event Liability Insurance is required to rent the space and is due no later than ten (10) days prior to your event. The insurance must, at the member’s sole expense, provide and maintain public liability and personal property damage insurance, insuring ACW and all employees, contractors and contracted vendors against all bodily injury, property damage, personal injury and other loss arising out of clients use and occupancy of the premises, or any other occupant on the premises, including appurtenances to the premises and sidewalks. The insurance required hereunder shall have a single limit liability of no less than $1 Million, and general aggregate liability of not less than $2 Million. ACW shall be named as an additional insured of said policy.


Member agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold ACW, its landlord, building owners, officers, employees, and agents harmless of and from any liabilities, costs, penalties, or expenses arising out of and/or resulting from the rental and use of the premises. In no event shall ACW be liable to member for any special, punitive, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages of any kind in connection with this agreement.

Damage or Loss:

Member shall report any and all damages or losses to the ACW Headquarters space to Barbara Bridges at Member is responsible for replacement or repair of any damage done to the ACW Headquarter space done during rental. Additionally, ACW takes no responsibility for personal effects and possession left on premises during or after any event and member will indemnify, defend and hold ACW its landlord, building owners, officers, employees, and agents harmless of and from any third-party claims arising from loss or theft of property or injury to persons or property.


The ACW Headquarters space is not ADA accessible. Please refrain from holding open-to-general-public events or any event where a known participant would be denied access. Please contact Barbara Bridges at for potential accessible options.  Member releases ACW its landlord, building owners, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability relating to accessibility of the space.


Neither party shall be bound by any representations or statements made by the other unless such party is specifically authorized by the other to make such statements or representations.


  • Key Box Access Protocol. This will be provided upon agreement approval.
  • Internet. High Speed Internet is provided, but you will need to provide your own computer. See access codes by the door in the middle room.
  • Air Conditioner. Thisis set to 70. Please only turn it on or off, do not set other buttons. See instructions on wall on the right as you go to middle room.
  • Books for Art & Social/Environmental Justice Reference Library.This is located on the green bookshelf. Any books provided for the shelf should be tagged (such as with an address label) in case the lender wants to take it back at some point. Lenders should understand that we can’t absolutely guarantee the book will not walk off.
  • Free ACW Little Library. This is locatedon the black bookshelf. It is the place to swap books – if you leave one, take one!

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. Each individual signing below on behalf of a Party hereby represents and warrants that he or she is duly authorized and has the legal capacity to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of said Party. This Agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, licensees, and assigns.

 Signature of Member:                                                                                     Date:                                      

Printed Name:                                                                                    

Signature of ACW Representative:                                                                Date:                                      

Printed Name: