2022 On Location Calendar, Created by Many Kuehn, Catherine Palmer and Debra Ripp




Contact: cath.a.palmer@gmail.com

The On Location calendar commemorates five years of the On Location Drawing Group.

It is filled with vibrant photos and drawn images of the people who have participated in the group since it started in 2016.  The group tours the Twin Cities in hopes of finding something wondrous to draw!   We hope you will join us in celebrating by purchasing a calendar for your wall or desktop. All proceeds go to the Art to Change the World organization to fund new projects.  Be sure to visit the On Location Facebook page for updates and events.

These calendars can be cut up and recycled as cards, postcards, collage and box parts, gift tags, little arts to frame……. when their months are done!!!


Images and Artists List. 2022 On Location Calendar

Front Cover /Clockwise
Ari Carbajal and Layl McDill, Catherine Palmer and Laura Burlis, Debra Ripp, Sue Krhin, and Barbara Bridges, Catherine Palmer and Kris Lange, Jane St. Claire and Betty Edwards, paintbox, Marie Sipe and Deb Ripp, / Background image by Catherine Palmer/watercolor

January/ February:  Kris Lange/Barbara Bridges/ Background image by Catherine Palmer/ watercolor

March /April:  Marie Sipe/Laura Burlis/ Background image by Catherine Palmer/Drawing

May/June:  Kris Lange: Florals:Blue and Red/ Catherine Palmer: Pride Festival/ Background image by Debra Ripp/Caran d’ Asche

July/August:  Catherine Palmer/Laura Burlis/ Background image by Catherine Palmer

September/October:  Jane St. Claire:Zoran’s Sculpture Garden/ Catherine Palmer: Lake Nokomis/ Catherine Palmer: Minnihaha Falls/ Background image by Catherine Palmer: Rust panel: Mill City

November/December:  Debra Ripp: Muffins/Debra Ripp: Cherries /Debra Ripp: Fruit Basket/ Steven Carlyle Moore: Telephone Wires
Logo Page
Background image by Catherine Palmer: Lyndale Garden : Rose Garden