Status Update # 3 April 6

April 6, 2018  Status Update # 3  Action Items in RED

  1. Welcome our new members:
    Wesley May
    Artist -Topic Identity . Muralist-works with youth
    Paul Brown  Supporter Theater Specialist
    Felicia Williams   Performer/Artist Compassionate Conversations
    Daren Hill  Artist  Painter  Topic:  Polarization to communication and unity of communities.
    Laura Hill  Performance Artist /Educator at Children’s Theater
    Susan Huhn-Bowles  Supporter/ Artist


  1. Grants  Please join me in shout-outs to Craig Harris, Laura Hill, Felicia Williams, and Layl McDill who are helping with grant writing.  We have two MRAC grants submitted, 20 Letters of Intent out and 5 more grants will be submitted by the end of May.  Now I am organizing a push to seek funding for your individual projects.  I need your help to do this. See here for details: Willing to help with grant writing? Post me!


  1. Minutes for April 2 Education Meeting. Decisions are being made.  Information on Performance and Workshop stipends. Please check database (attached) and post me if your data is correct. I constructed a lot of it from antidotal conversations.  There are two stipend levels (planned-if we have the funding)   (See below). Check your data:  Email me with your edits or questions.

“Hands-on Workshop & Discussion”, 2-3 hours, $300 stipend, consider limiting attendance as appropriate

“Post Performance Conversations”, 1 hour, $100 stipend

  1. I am still waiting for several of your Artist Apps. Due April 1, 2018. If you do not submit an Artist Application – we will assume you do not plan to be in the Oct 2018 event.  I especially need your artist statement including workshop description (if you are doing one) for fundraising. Time Sensitive. App attached.   See here for example from me. I am working hard to find funding and I would appreciate you providing me with the data I need to be successful for you.  I need to share that I am getting a little discouraged with this issue.
  2. March 26 Event Committee meeting recording and minutes here
  3. Next Event Committee Meeting is April 25 from 12:30-2:30 ALL WELCOME

Meeting at Squirrel Haus Arts
3450 Snelling Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Directly following is a Design Committee Meeting to start planning how/where we will organize our work.