Talking Points for ACW

                                                                                    Talking Points for ACW

Art to Change the World is a Collective.   We are celebrating our 7th Anniversary on July 4, 2024

We have over 400 members and only 200 of those members are artists.

We have ranged in age from 18-103 years old and we take great pride in the fact that we create a safe space for all voices.

We paid social justice artists more than $160,000 in the last 3 years.

We are partly funded by the Minnesota Arts Board and Metropolitan Regional Arts Council.

Member Benefits:

* You can join for as little as $50.00 a year. Scholarship Available.
* Inclusion in  a searchable database- bio, pic, and web link on  ACW website.
* Free advertising in the monthly newsletter
* Paid project manager stipends for members who volunteer to run a project.
* Access to ACW Office/Meeting Space at 699 Lowry Ave NE